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Club Standards

Club Standards

Club members are invited to submit their race performances where a certain standard has been achieved. These will then be highlighted on the website and a memento will be presented at the annual Awards Night.

The standards are goal times that club runners can aim to achieve.

There are 3 standards, Gold, Silver, and Bronze which are also split into 5 year age groups from senior up to vet 75 for men & 70 for women. Runners are regarded as Seniors up to the age of 35.

If a club member achieves a race standard they can submit a claim to Club Standards & Performance & Development Officer Dean McLaughlin. There will also be a presentation of a memento at the annual Awards Night.

Claim for an Achieved Standard

If you meet a race standard then it is the club members responsibility to claim for it by submitting through the form on this page with a link to official race results for verification.

All four distance standards can be claimed for BUT only one submission per standard each year unless you move up a grade within the year.

Note that we actively encourage you run in NDRC club colours to be recognised as achieving a standard. We appreciate some events have charity vests.

Submissions from downhill courses such as the Community 5k, Tissington, White Peak etc will not be accepted.

Standards Required

Senior Men Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 16:22 17:35 18:59
10k 34:22 36:58 38:58
Half Marathon 1:15:58 1:21:37 1:28:24
Marathon 2:41:02 2:53:36 3:08:17
Vet Men 35  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 16:39 17:55 19:21
10k 35:00 37:40 40:48
Half Marathon 1:17:19 1:23:16 1:30:19
Marathon 2:44:03 2:57:07 3:12:26
Vet Men 40  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 16:57 18:15 19:46
10k 35:37 38:25 41:41
Half Marathon 1:18:36 1:24:52 1:32:14
Marathon 2:47:05 3:00:39 3:16:36
Vet Men 45  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 17:35 18:59 20:38
10k 36:58 38:58 43:32
Half Marathon 1:21:37 1:28:24 1:36:24
Marathon 2:53:36 3:08:17 3:25:41
Vet Men 50  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 18:15 19:46 21:34
10k 38:25 41:41 45:33
Half Marathon 1:24:52 1:32:14 1:41:00
Marathon 3:00:39 3:16:36 3:35:39
Vet Men 55  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 19:27 20:38 22:36
10k 41:00 43:32 47:46
Half Marathon 1:30:39 1:36:24 1:46:00
Marathon 3:13:11 3:25:41 3:46:38
Vet Men 60  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 20:38 22:36 24:58
10k 43:32 47:46 52:55
Half Marathon 1:36:24 1:46:00 1:57:45
Marathon 3:25:41 3:46:38 4:12:20
Vet Men 65  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 21:34 23:44 26:22
10k 45:33 50:12 55:56
Half Marathon 1:41:00 1:51:35 2:04:39
Marathon 3:35:39 3:58:48 4:27:30
Vet Men 70  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 23:44 26:22 27:35
10k 50:12 55:56 58:37
Half Marathon 1:51:35 2:04:39 2:12:24
Marathon 3:58:48 4:27:30 4:41:00
Vet Men 75  Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 24:58 27:35 29:40
10k 52:55 58:37 1:03:08
Half Marathon 1:57:45 2:12:24 2:21:12
Marathon 4:12:20 4:41:00 5:04:02

Senior Women Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 17:35 18:59 20:38
10k 36:58 38:58 43:32
Half Marathon 1:21:37 1:28:24 1:36:24
Marathon 2:53:36 3:08:17 3:25:41
Vet Women 35 Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 18:15 19:46 21:34
10k 38:25 41:41 45:33
Half Marathon 1:24:52 1:32:14 1:41:00
Marathon 3:00:39 3:16:36 3:35:39
Vet Women 40 Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 18:59 20:38 22:36
10k 38:58 43:32 47:46
Half Marathon 1:28:24 1:36:24 1:46:00
Marathon 3:08:17 3:25:41 3:46:38
Vet Women 45 Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 19:46 21:34 23:44
10k 41:41 45:33 50:12
Half Marathon 1:32:14 1:41:00 1:51:35
Marathon 3:16:36 3:35:39 3:58:48
Vet Women 50 Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 20:38 22:36 24:58
10k 43:32 47:46 52:55
Half Marathon 1:36:24 1:46:00 1:57:45
Marathon 3:25:41 3:46:38 4:12:20
Vet Women 55 Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 21:34 23:44 26:22
10k 45:33 50:12 55:56
Half Marathon 1:41:00 1:51:35 2:04:39
Marathon 3:35:39 3:58:48 4:27:30
Vet Women 60 Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 22:36 24:58 27:35
10k 47:46 52:55 58:37
Half Marathon 1:46:00 1:57:45 2:12:24
Marathon 3:46:38 4:12:20 4:41:00
Vet Women 65 Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 23:44 26:22 28:38
10k 50:12 55:56 1:00:46
Half Marathon 1:51:35 2:04:39 2:16:45
Marathon 3:58:48 4:27:30 4:52:30
Vet Women 70 Gold Silver Bronze
 5k 24:58 27:35 29:40
10k 52:55 58:37 1:03:08
Half Marathon 1:57:45 2:12:24 2:21:12
Marathon 4:12:20 4:41:00 5:04:02

Submit Claim

Greenwich Mean Time (UTC)